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Revealing Grace

Posted 1/8/2025

In a world where rebellion has become the new norm, we need to remember that God is on the throne.  His Grace is sufficient for whatever we may experience life.  No matter how bad it gets, God is in control.  He has a way of making a way out of no way.  Today, I want to share a lesson that reveals God's hand in our everyday situation.  Let's get down to it!

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The Meaning of Faithfulness

Posted 12/19/2024

Faithfulness is not as easy as some would think it is.  It's not a character trait that just happens over time.  You have to put hard work into becoming someone faithful.  A faithful person is someone you can count on at any given moment.  In today's HBBF lesson we will explore what it really means to be a faithful person.  

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The Truth About the Mark of the Beast

Posted 12/11/2024

Revelation 13 is one of the most enigmatic and often-discussed chapters of the Bible. Here, the Apostle John describes two beasts rising—one from the sea and one from the earth. These beasts symbolize oppressive powers and deceptive influences that challenge God's people. This chapter warns us of the spiritual warfare we face and calls us to remain steadfast in our faith. Today, we will explore the imagery of Revelation 13 and its message for our lives.

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The Paralysis of the Heart

Posted 12/4/2024

There comes a time when everyone will experience feeling stuck, or paralyze.  What do you do in times of stagnation?  Some give up.  Some count it all a lost.  Some people just don't care enough.  Some blame others for their condition.  In this lesson, I want to share with you what our Lord Jesus think about and what He can do about our Bethesda experience.

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Building on a Firm Foundation

Posted 11/20/2024

The Bible declares that except the Lord buildeth, they that build build in vain.  As a community we build things all the time.  While building, do we really take the time out to consider what we are building and why we are building it?  Do we actually follow through with the building plans?  Is our foundation even strong enough to withstand the pressures of life.  In this lesson we will explore the necessity to build a firm foundation.

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The Great Physician

Posted 11/14/2024

In a world full of hurt, pain and unforgiveness we need to hear a message from God that will heal the very soul.  Lets get right to it.

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Living as Followers of Christ in a Hostile World

Posted 11/13/2024

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. (John 15:18-19

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