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Word Art

Building on a Firm Foundation

Posted 11/20/2024

The Bible declares that except the Lord buildeth, they that build build in vain.  As a community we build things all the time.  While building, do we really take the time out to consider what we are building and why we are building it?  Do we actually follow through with the building plans?  Is our foundation even strong enough to withstand the pressures of life.  In this lesson we will explore the necessity to build a firm foundation.

Scripture: Matthew 7:24-26
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand."


Life often feels like a construction project. Each decision we make, every belief we hold, and the way we live out our faith contributes to the building of a house—our lives. Jesus, in Matthew 7:24-26, speaks of two builders: one wise and one foolish. This parable challenges us to examine the foundation upon which we are building.

I want to explore three truths from this passage: the importance of the foundation, the inevitability of life's storms, and the necessity of obedience.

1. The Importance of the Foundation

In any construction project, the foundation is the most critical element. Without a strong base, even the most beautiful structure will collapse.

Jesus identifies the rock as His teachings—God's Word. When we hear His words and put them into practice, we are building on a firm foundation. This is not just intellectual assent or emotional agreement, but a commitment to live by His truth.

The foolish builder, however, chooses the sand—a weak and unstable foundation. Sand represents anything other than Christ we might rely on: wealth, human wisdom, or worldly pleasures. These may seem secure for a time but lack the stability to withstand life's challenges.

Ask yourself: What is my foundation? Am I truly rooted in God’s Word, or am I building on temporary things?

2. The Inevitability of Life's Storms

Notice that both builders face storms. Jesus doesn’t say, “If the rain comes,” but “When the rain came.” Storms are inevitable—be it trials, temptations, losses, or challenges.

The difference lies in the outcome:

  • The house on the rock stands firm, secure in the foundation of Christ.
  • The house on the sand falls with a great crash, revealing the futility of a life not anchored in God.

Storms have a way of exposing what lies beneath. When your faith is tested, does it hold steady? A life built on Christ is not exempt from trials but is equipped to endure them.

Reflect on past storms in your life. How did your foundation hold? Did your faith grow, or did you feel shaken?

3. The Necessity of Obedience

The difference between the wise and foolish builders boils down to one key action: obedience.

Hearing God’s Word is not enough. The wise builder "hears these words of mine and puts them into practice." True faith results in action. Obedience to God is the evidence of a life built on the rock.

James 1:22 reminds us: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

The foolish builder hears but does not act. This is a warning against complacency or selective obedience. It’s easy to agree with Jesus' teachings in theory but harder to live them out in practice.

Where in your life might you need to take Jesus' words more seriously? Are there areas where you're listening but not acting?

Conclusion: Building on the Rock

Jesus invites each of us to examine our lives. Are we wise builders, anchoring our lives in the truth of His Word and living in obedience? Or are we foolish builders, relying on unstable foundations that will ultimately fail?


  • The foundation you choose determines your future.
  • Life’s storms will reveal your true anchor.
  • Obedience is the hallmark of a life built on Christ.

Let us commit to be wise builders, hearing and obeying Jesus' words. As we trust in Him, our lives will stand firm, no matter what storms may come.

Call to Action:
Take a moment to pray and ask God to reveal any areas in your life where you are building on sand. Commit to strengthening your foundation through daily study of His Word and intentional obedience.

Closing Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Word, which is a firm foundation for our lives. Help us to hear and obey Your teachings, to build our lives on the rock of Christ. Strengthen us to endure life's storms and glorify You in all we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.