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From the Pastor!

The Great Physician

Posted 11/14/2024

In a world full of hurt, pain and unforgiveness we need to hear a message from God that will heal the very soul.  Lets get right to it.

Scripture Reference: Mark 5:25-34, Psalm 147:3, James 5:14-15


Whether it’s healing from physical illness, emotional wounds, or spiritual brokenness, the Bible tells us that God desires to bring wholeness into every part of our lives. Jesus Christ is called our Great Physician, and throughout His ministry, He demonstrated a love for the hurting, the wounded, and the unwell.

In times of pain or struggle, it's easy to question where God is, but scripture reassures us over and over that God is near to the brokenhearted, ready to heal and restore. So, let us remember that healing is not just an act but an expression of God’s compassionate nature.

1. The Heart of the Healer

Let’s begin by looking at Mark 5:25-34, where we find a story of a woman who suffered from a chronic illness for twelve long years. Imagine that! Twelve years of pain, of being ostracized and left hopeless. This woman had spent all her resources on doctors, and no one could heal her. But she heard about Jesus. She believed that simply touching the helm of His garment would be enough to make her whole. And in her moment of faith, her entire life changed.

The key takeaway from this story is that Jesus didn’t just want to heal her body. When she touched His garment, Jesus stopped in the crowd and spoke to her. He wanted her to know that she was valued, that her suffering mattered to Him, and that she was loved. Her physical healing was paired with emotional and spiritual healing. She was restored on every level, because God’s healing touches all parts of who we are.

Healing, as shown by Jesus, is rooted in love and compassion. It's an invitation to relationship and wholeness, a reminder that we are seen and valued by our Creator.

2. The Journey of Faith and Surrender

Healing, however, doesn’t always come instantly, does it? We pray, we hope, and sometimes we wait. The journey of healing can be long, but it is often in that journey where our faith is strengthened.

In James 5:14-15, we are encouraged to call on the elders of the church to pray over those who are sick. This passage shows us the importance of community, prayer, and faith in the healing process. It also points us to the fact that sometimes healing requires surrender. In our need, God draws us closer to Himself. He builds in us a spirit of reliance, a posture of humility, and a heart that seeks Him first.

Surrendering to God’s timing and will can be challenging, especially when we or our loved ones suffer. But in surrender, we often find that God’s grace sustains us, that His strength lifts us, and that His peace covers us even in our weakness. Whether healing is immediate, gradual, or takes a form we don’t expect, God is faithful to provide what we need.

3. Healing of the Heart and Soul

Physical healing is something we often pray for, but let’s remember that God also cares deeply about the wounds we carry in our hearts and souls. Psalm 147:3 tells us that “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Our inner hurts, the traumas of our past, and the scars of broken relationships – all of these matter to God. He knows the pain that words can’t express, and He desires to restore us in every way.

If we are carrying bitterness, fear, anger, or shame, God offers to heal us from these as well. He calls us to forgive, to release, and to trust in His love that casts out all fear. He invites us to bring our burdens to Him, to lay them at His feet, and to allow His peace to reign in our hearts.

In these moments of healing, we learn to forgive others, we are freed from past pains, and we start to see ourselves the way God sees us – beloved, whole, and redeemed.

4. Walking in Healing and Being a Vessel of Healing

Once we experience God’s healing, we are called to be vessels of healing for others. Jesus sends His disciples out to preach, heal, and restore, showing that we too are called to bring healing to a hurting world. We can pray for others, encourage them, and walk alongside them in their journey toward wholeness.

When you’ve been healed, you gain a unique compassion for those going through similar struggles. You become a living testimony that God can heal, that He cares, and that He works through His people. So let’s ask ourselves today, How can we be a source of healing in someone else’s life? It could be a word of encouragement, an act of kindness, a prayer, or simply being there for someone who needs support.


Today, as we conclude, let us remember that God’s healing touch is available to us all. It may come in different forms, but it always comes from His heart of love. Whether we need healing physically, emotionally, or spiritually, God is ready to work within us if we simply reach out, as the woman did, in faith.

May we surrender to His will, trust His timing, and open our hearts to His transformative touch. And may we also carry His healing power to others, reminding the world that our God is the Great Healer, forever compassionate, forever faithful.

Let’s pray together for healing in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Amen.