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Word Art

Revealing Grace

Posted 1/8/2025

In a world where rebellion has become the new norm, we need to remember that God is on the throne.  His Grace is sufficient for whatever we may experience life.  No matter how bad it gets, God is in control.  He has a way of making a way out of no way.  Today, I want to share a lesson that reveals God's hand in our everyday situation.  Let's get down to it!

Scripture: Judges 13:1-6


Lets dive into the Book of Judges, a time in Israel’s history characterized by a cycle of rebellion, oppression, repentance, and deliverance. Judges 13 begins with a familiar refrain:

"Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, so the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistines for forty years." (Judges 13:1)

Even in their unfaithfulness, God remained faithful. This passage reminds us of God's grace, His plan for our lives, and His call for preparation when He sets us apart for His purposes.

1. God's Grace Amid Rebellion (Judges 13:1-2)

The story begins with a cycle of sin and oppression. The Israelites had turned away from God, and as a result, they faced 40 years of Philistine domination. Yet, instead of leaving them to their fate, God initiated deliverance.

Key Point:
God's grace is not dependent on our worthiness. Even when we falter, He works to bring us back to Him. The raising of a deliverer in the story of Samson reminds us that God does not abandon His people in their times of need.

In your own life, you might feel distant from God because of mistakes or sin. But remember, God's grace abounds, and He is always working behind the scenes to bring about redemption.

2. God's Calling and Divine Purpose (Judges 13:3-5)

The angel of the Lord appeared to a barren woman, the wife of Manoah, with a message of hope:

“You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son."

This wasn’t just any son—this child would be consecrated to God as a Nazirite and set apart to begin delivering Israel from the Philistines.

Key Point:
God often chooses the unlikely and the unexpected to accomplish His purposes. A barren woman became the mother of a deliverer, showing that nothing is impossible for God.

When God calls, He also equips. The Nazirite vow—abstaining from wine, unclean food, and cutting hair—was not just a set of rules but a sign of Samson’s special purpose. Likewise, when God calls us, He sets us apart with a unique purpose and prepares us for the work He has for us.

3. Preparing for God's Call (Judges 13:6)

After receiving the message, Manoah's wife acted in obedience and shared the angel's words with her husband. This immediate response shows her faith and willingness to prepare for the monumental task of raising a child set apart for God.

Key Point:
God's call requires preparation. The instructions given to Manoah's wife reflect the principle that when God gives a promise, He also expects us to act in faith and readiness.

Are you preparing for what God has called you to do? Sometimes, God’s work in our lives requires discipline, sacrifice, and trust. Preparation is not just about doing; it’s about becoming—aligning our hearts and lives with His will.


  1. Acknowledge God’s Grace:
    No matter where you are or what you've done, God’s grace is sufficient. He sees you and is working to bring redemption and restoration into your life.

  2. Embrace Your Calling:
    You might not feel qualified, but remember that God equips those He calls. Seek Him for clarity and strength in fulfilling your purpose.

  3. Prepare in Faith:
    God’s promises often come with a call to action. Align your life with His Word and step out in faith, trusting that He will lead you.


Judges 13:1-6 is a story of hope and divine intervention. Even in Israel's darkest times, God raised up a deliverer to lead His people. Today, He calls us to recognize His grace, embrace His purpose, and prepare our hearts and lives for His kingdom work.

Let us leave here today with a renewed sense of God’s faithfulness and a commitment to live out His calling in our lives.

Let us pray.
"Father, thank You for Your grace that meets us even in our rebellion. Help us to recognize Your calling and prepare our hearts for Your work. Use us, Lord, to bring about Your purposes in this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen."